
Birth: 07/04/2019

Spitz Alemão

Males: 0

Females: 1

Available: 0

Check Out the Pedigree

Puppies Spitz Alemão


Gucci BR Star Puppies Gucci BR Star Puppies

Gucci BR Star Puppies

Armani BBR Star Puppies

Prada Krug

Lord Sunshine Oreo

Ganache's Sunny Parti Girl

Striking Triple Krug Striking Triple Krug

Striking Triple Krug

Princess Kitana Krug




Pandora Madame's Puppy Pandora Madame's Puppy

Pandora Madame's Puppy

Morgan Tricolor Krug Morgan Tricolor Krug

Morgan Tricolor Krug

Cher Krug

Philip Krug

Crystal Bright Krug

Golden Furrballs Dragon Parti

Black Pearl Krug

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